In 1978, in combination with its Yukon neighbor Kluane National Park, the United Nations recognized the Wrangell-St. Elias National Monument as an International World Heritage site…the first bi-national designation. Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, and Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Park in British Columbia were added in 1993. Together, these four units include 24.3 million acres, one of the largest internationally protected ecosystems on the planet. (text from NPS website).
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Dall’s Sheep, Moose and Grizzly
The Wrangell Mountains are one of the few places in North America where you can hunt Dall’s Sheep, Rocky Mountain Goat, Moose, Grizzly, Black Bear, Wolf and Wolverine on the same hunt. We use horses and airplanes to help you hunt this beautiful area. Our expertise and the abundant game means you will have a memorable and successful hunting adventure.
A short 1.5 minute You Tube Video with Credit to Sindre and Sondre Hjelmeland – Norway.
We are bringing our professional, experienced top quality guides and horses for this excellent Alaska Horseback Hunt. We are committed to provide you a hunt you will never forget.

Traveling from Anchorage to the Wrangell Mountain staging area is an incredible scenic journey. Plan on 5 hours to drive the 275 miles, detailed driving directions will be provided.
Preservation, Conservation, Sustainability
We strive to make our guide business the best it can be. This includes the best guides, best gear and best places to hunt. We feel hunting in the WRST National Park and Preserve gives our clients the best chances for success on their hunt.

Access to these areas is granted only to guide services which have passed very specific conditions, including a full review of the guides’ capability and practices. Access to our sole use guiding area means you will not be overrun by guides during your hunt. You also are ensured that you are hunting with a guide business that has been acknowledged as professional, experienced and capable for this specific area, species, and hunt conditions.
You will be hunting in a pristine wilderness area, which we all strive to protect for our own use, and for the use of others. During your hunt we will assist you in understanding and following Leave No Trace principles. In doing so, you will enjoy this beautiful wilderness at its best, and we will ensure your grandchildren will enjoy the same undeveloped view that you enjoyed on your hunt. We fully support Leave No Trace hunting for that reason.
Additional Information:

Fair Chase – We support ethical hunting practices and conservation
Hunt, Travel and Area Information:
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